Animals, at the heart of our Farm Park! Make new friends. Every day there are educational and entertaining animal events for you to enjoy.

Meet Blaze, Stormy, Jago, and Vinnie! You will be able to join them for our 'Alpaca Chatter' activity in the outside paddocks.
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A farm just wouldn't be complete without Chickens and Ducks and we have lots of feathered friends at Farmer Palmer's!
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We have several cows on the farm park, meet Mandy, Minty, Marmite, and Bovril. You can sometimes see them grazing out in the fields.
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A herd of Red Deer live at Farmer Palmer's and you and your children can meet and feed them in our Deer Feeding experience (check timetable to see if this event is running).
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Donkeys & Ponies
Meet our Donkey's, Nella and Jimmy, as well as our Ponies, Mickey, Muffet, Dahl, and Sunny Jim. You can find us in the outside paddock, or in the Animal Barn
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Goats & Kids
There are many different species of goats at Farmer Palmer's, you'll find them in the Big Barn! Make sure to join us during our 'Goat Feeding' sessions throughout the day!
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Guinea Pigs & Rabbits
You can find the guinea pigs and rabbits in our Big Barn, where you can give them a cuddle during our 'Creature Comforts' sessions.
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Pigs & Piglets
We have many species of pig including Kune Kune. You can find them in the outside paddocks!
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Sheep & Lambs
Farmer Palmer's is home to lots of sheep. Each year, many of our ewes have lambs. You can see the babies out in the fields skipping and jumping. Their mums are very protective and caring.
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As part of our best practices, we must hold a Dorset County Council Animal Exhibition License which governs how many animals we are allowed to have.
You can see this by clicking here.
How to Find Us
Discover more about Farmer Palmer's Farm Park, with directions and address to help you find us.
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Our team are working hard to bring magic and fun
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